Raspberry Pi 3rd Place Winners 2017

Be sure to watch the Caye Caulker Ocean Academy Tech Club on Open Your Eyes! The Club won 3rd place in the 2017 Raspberry Pi Jam competition for their innovative design of a voting booth and tabulator powered by Raspberry Pi and Python programming language. The U.S. Embassy is so proud to fund Ocean Academy’s work to turn youths into innovators, entrepreneurs and professionals through one of our CARSI-ESF grants. Way to go guys continue the good...
“Most Creative and Innovative Project” at S.T.E.M. Visionaries Challenge

“Most Creative and Innovative Project” at S.T.E.M. Visionaries Challenge

Team leader Buddy Magana created the mobile app prototype Mangrove restoration project   OA’s Environmental Club’s “Caye Caulker Mangrove Action Plan” addresses the problem of intense deforestation of mangroves due to coastal development. The students’ solution won “Most Innovative and Creative Project” for their use of interactive mobile app technology in addition to mangrove planting using the Riley technique. The Sagicor Visionaries Challenge is aimed at stimulating secondary school students to develop solutions to problems faced in their community using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). This year’s competition saw the participation of 32 projects from 28 high schools across the country. Caye Caulker’s team included team leader Buddy, and members Patrick, Adrienne, Daya, Kenisha and science teacher Sarah Requena. “The first part of the plan involved educating the public about the importance of mangroves to the environment and the local economy. We then will work with the Village Council to understand the laws concerning mangroves and encourage a reforestation program whenever mangroves are removed. We would then experiment with different planting methods, such as the Riley technique, to determine the most effective techniques for our location. Finally, we would create an interactive smart phone app that will allow people to learn about mangroves, see pictures of our mangrove planting experiments and visit the sites on a trail walk using GPS coordinates. Visitors are invited to upload photographs of the growing plants to aid with our data collection and...